用這款 BOCO Technical Trucker® 表達您對 T8 的喜愛,它的設計結合了卡車司機帽的外觀和態度,但又注重性能。
您可以訓練、比賽或使用這款輕型卡車進行日常活動;由你決定! Technical Trucker® 帽子配有高性能吸汗帶,可排出濕氣,讓您在任何活動中保持舒適。
- 帶有弧形鈔票的高性能前面板
- 吸濕排汗內部吸汗帶
- 網狀側板和背板
- 可調式塑膠按扣閉合
- 一種尺寸最適合
- 運動後洗手或洗澡(!!)
根據客戶回饋,我們現在只銷售 Relaxed Fit Technical Trucker,它提供最大的運行舒適度。請注意,尺寸與原版 T8 TYPHOONWEAR 卡車司機(2019 年之前)相比略有變化,現在尺寸稍高。
我們所有的卡車司機都是 T8 原創者,與當地藝術家合作進行藝術作品來慶祝當地的步道,同時也感謝我們 T8 精英運動員團隊的投入。
Gorra multiusos
T8 ofrece productos de muy alta calidad. Personalmente cuento con varias prendas, pantalones y camisetas y decidí probar a comprar una gorra. Esta era Boco presenta una calidad en la línea con la marca, un diseño espectacular, transpirabilidad, ajuste y por si fuera poco la puedes guardar sin problema en la mochila. Recomendable 200%
Great looking and comfortable
This hat is nice looking, good quality and comfortable. Perfect for sunny day running. Love it!
Da Bomb
These truckers not only look the bomb, they keep the shade on while letting the heat out.
It's T8 it's Great!
Great score with a unique design and a sweat band that actually works for me.
My happy hat!
When things are exactly what they should be there is not much to say... My hat is simply said my New Happy Hat... It looks great, it fits great, it wears great! Some things are the way they are... This one is Great! Thanks T8!