BOCO Technical Trucker帽
全新BOCO Technical Trucker®完美結合經典trucker外型同先進運動科技,為你帶嚟革新體驗。
- 前板採用高性能運動物料,搭配人體工學弧形帽簷設計
- 配備專利快乾導濕系統,瞬間吸收並擴散濕氣
- 側面同後方採用高透氣網布結構,提供最佳嘅溫度調節
- 可調式工程級扣帶系統,確保穩固配戴
- 優化尺寸設計,適應大部分亞洲人頭型
- 創新防水物料,可機洗或手洗,甚至可以沖涼嗰陣順便一齊洗(!!)
根據市場調研同用家反饋,我哋現已全面升級至Relaxed Fit Technical Trucker系列。新一代設計採用優化嘅人體工學剪裁,特別加強咗配戴舒適度同運動時嘅穩定性。相比2019年前嘅T8 TYPHOONWEAR卡車帽系列,新版本採用咗加高帽身設計,提供更理想嘅頭部包覆性。

Gorra multiusos
T8 ofrece productos de muy alta calidad. Personalmente cuento con varias prendas, pantalones y camisetas y decidí probar a comprar una gorra. Esta era Boco presenta una calidad en la línea con la marca, un diseño espectacular, transpirabilidad, ajuste y por si fuera poco la puedes guardar sin problema en la mochila. Recomendable 200%

Great looking and comfortable
This hat is nice looking, good quality and comfortable. Perfect for sunny day running. Love it!

Da Bomb
These truckers not only look the bomb, they keep the shade on while letting the heat out.

It's T8 it's Great!
Great score with a unique design and a sweat band that actually works for me.

My happy hat!
When things are exactly what they should be there is not much to say... My hat is simply said my New Happy Hat... It looks great, it fits great, it wears great! Some things are the way they are... This one is Great! Thanks T8!