女裝涼感速乾Iced Tee
5 則無法載入取貨服務供應情況
- 超輕量90gsm面料及37.5®控溫科技
- 彈性網眼側身剪裁設計,可靈活活動及強效透氣
- 平貼式車縫技術,減少摩擦
- 分男女版型設計
「我曾經試過很多款跑步上衣,但T8冰感系列確實在炎熱天氣中帶來革命性的體驗。它不單舒適,即使大量出汗後依然保持輕盈通爽,側邊的網眼透氣設計更是無可比擬。穿著時就像在微風中奔跑一樣愜意。」- Eszter Csillag (馬拉松個人最佳:2小時42分、2022年 UTMB 第5名、2024年Western States 100第3名
產品尺碼:我們採用亞洲尺碼標準,一般較歐美尺碼小半個尺碼。Iced Tee上衣的尺碼設計與 Commandos 和 Sherpa 短褲系列相同,方便您搭配選購。尺寸指南
注意事項:背包摩擦可能導致布料起毛球。(為確保最佳運動體驗,建議使用 Sherpa 短褲存放隨身物品!)

Best T for summer running
Better than any other running T-shirt I've tried in the stinking hot Hong Kong summer. Very, very light, even when you get sweaty. Classic cut too. Full disclosure: Sponsored by T8 so I get mine for free, but I have been buying them for friends too!

Women's Iced Tee T8
The quality and dry fit material super good . It light and soft, it feels too hot under hot sun ☀️

Women Iced Tee
I have had the T* shorts and under short for a few years now but this is my first tee shirt. I am so pleased with it. It is very comfortable, soft and does not chaf at all even during long distances. I wore it on my last 100km with no problems. I run mostly in asia and it is almost funny how many people wear T8, we almost feel like a sport team at the start line. There is a good reason for it, it is the best kit for hot weather running. Thanks T8

Best running tshirt!
This is my absolute favourite and go to running tshirt. It fits perfectly, great design, light weight and looks cool! Get it on ya!